Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Things I *Love*

Just the everyday stuff that makes me feel so cheerful when I'm blue!

1. When I leave my window open at night and wake up in the morning with Snickers by my head and the smell of the fresh morning air!

2. Falling asleep to the pitter patter of a storm as it slowly dies away...... sigh......

Once you finish a picture that took days to make and you look at your wrist to find a gray smudge of awesome nothingness!

4. When i have a friend over and there's like a terrible tornado warning!

5. Waking up to the smell of pancakes!

6. After a freezing day in the snow I can come in and drink my hot chocolate!

That's not even the half of it! But I think I'll stop there so I don't make this post TO long! Don't forget, Instead of waiting for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain!.... OH and don't eat cheddar cheese under a full moon......... LOVE!

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