Monday, April 12, 2010
Pixie Cut?
I need your guys opinion on something! What do you guys think about me getting a pixie cut?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Today was BEAUTIFUL!............................................ But I spent all of it inside! What was I thinking? I have no idea..................... I am ashamed.......... Don't be like me! Spend as much time out side and savor the smell of a new book! Praise God for the beautiful sunshine!
(That I wasted)
(That I wasted)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Things I *Love*
Just the everyday stuff that makes me feel so cheerful when I'm blue!
1. When I leave my window open at night and wake up in the morning with Snickers by my head and the smell of the fresh morning air!
2. Falling asleep to the pitter patter of a storm as it slowly dies away...... sigh......
3. Once you finish a picture that took days to make and you look at your wrist to find a gray smudge of awesome nothingness!
4. When i have a friend over and there's like a terrible tornado warning!
5. Waking up to the smell of pancakes!
6. After a freezing day in the snow I can come in and drink my hot chocolate!
That's not even the half of it! But I think I'll stop there so I don't make this post TO long! Don't forget, Instead of waiting for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain!.... OH and don't eat cheddar cheese under a full moon......... LOVE!
1. When I leave my window open at night and wake up in the morning with Snickers by my head and the smell of the fresh morning air!
2. Falling asleep to the pitter patter of a storm as it slowly dies away...... sigh......
3. Once you finish a picture that took days to make and you look at your wrist to find a gray smudge of awesome nothingness!
4. When i have a friend over and there's like a terrible tornado warning!
5. Waking up to the smell of pancakes!
6. After a freezing day in the snow I can come in and drink my hot chocolate!
That's not even the half of it! But I think I'll stop there so I don't make this post TO long! Don't forget, Instead of waiting for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain!.... OH and don't eat cheddar cheese under a full moon......... LOVE!
It's been a while since I posted.............. ANYWAYS! I wanted to thank Theresa for motivating me to start posting again! THANK YOU THERESA! On Saturday I got the AWESOME opportunity to go to my friends house for a sleep over! It was so fun! And if she's on anytime I just wanna keep encouraging her to be AWESOME! But the same to all my other buddy's!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
This Week!
The other day we had a slumber party at our church! Twas AWESOME! And then I was invited to my friends house! And then we fell asleep on her couch for twenty minutes...... But we had a good time together! The next day we bought five eggs of silly putty so I could sculpt faces in them! It's so AWESOME! And then I watched Lost and the next day I watched Psych and then I talked on the phone forever with my FRIEND!
And that's what happened this week! I might also go to watch the new Alice In Wonderland movie!
And that's what happened this week! I might also go to watch the new Alice In Wonderland movie!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully
TWO . Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want..
FOUR . When you say, 'I love you ,' mean it.
FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye
SIX . Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
SEVEN.. Believe in love at first sight.
EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
NINE . Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
TEN. .. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
ELEVEN . Don't judge people by their relatives...
TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly..
THIRTEEN .. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'
FOURTEEN . Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
FIFTEEN. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.
SIXTEEN . When you lose, don't lose the lesson !
SEVENTEEN .. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.
EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship...
NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
TWENTY.... Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
TWENTY-ONE.. Spend some time alone..
TWENTY-TWO.. Drink Chocolate milk often....
TWO . Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want..
FOUR . When you say, 'I love you ,' mean it.
FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye
SIX . Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
SEVEN.. Believe in love at first sight.
EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
NINE . Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
TEN. .. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
ELEVEN . Don't judge people by their relatives...
TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly..
THIRTEEN .. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'
FOURTEEN . Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
FIFTEEN. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.
SIXTEEN . When you lose, don't lose the lesson !
SEVENTEEN .. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.
EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship...
NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
TWENTY.... Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
TWENTY-ONE.. Spend some time alone..
TWENTY-TWO.. Drink Chocolate milk often....
Rules To Live By
Morals to follow in life...
Walk on the beach barefoot
Dance in the rain
Let music fill your soul
Hug your loved ones often
Savor every bite of a chocolate chip cookie~
Walk on the beach barefoot
Dance in the rain
Let music fill your soul
Hug your loved ones often
Savor every bite of a chocolate chip cookie~
Monday, March 1, 2010
Random Awesomeness!
One of my friends told me how to make your Ramen pure AWESOMENESS! At first I thought it would be disgusting but when I tried it, I LOVED it! Take Ramen (preferably beef), get some hot sauce and dump it in! I love it! Shes got some pretty awesome ideas..............Hmmmmm..... You should also try popcorn and hot sauce.....
Friday, February 26, 2010
Max's Profile
Pushy's Profile
Reba's Profile
Reba: 6 months old, white with dark brown spots, black eyes, always on the go, LOVES the running ball. Hannah's rat!
Pudding's Profile
Pudding: 3 months old, Light tan with white stomach with a little white around her eyes, red eyes, likes to stay around people. She is very affectionate. Emily's rat!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Rat Story Continued
It was around lunch time when Emily came upstairs to play with me and Reba. I was so relieved that she didn't try to put me in that terrible purple ball that Reba loves so much! She pulled me out of the tank slowly, and I scrambled up her arm onto her shoulder. She walked over to her bed and sat down. The descent was like a carnival ride, the ones that drop and your stomach flips.
Thump! Reba was running into stuff while she was in her ball. It always scares me when she does that. Emily will laugh but what she doesn't know is that Reba does that kind of stuff to scare me. She thinks it's funny.
"Reba!" I called from my perch, "Did you find anything that might help?"
"Well, I noticed that they left crochet hooks on the floor but I can't think of how this is gonna help." she replied from below on the far side of the room. It's not that we hate our moms, it's just that we are terrified of those wretched cats! Not so much Slinky who always hid under a bed. They act so cute in front of the family and get loved on but what the family doesn't know is that they've been sneaking out of the house through Emily's sister's window and getting together with all those nasty neighbor cats. I overheard Pushy and Slinky talking about taking over this part of the neighborhood, but they had to get all the cats in the other parts of town to help. Me and Reba weren't about to let that happen. Every time we got taken out of our cozy tank I would distract Emily, who was usually the one playing with us, and Reba would go searching for stuff to help us overthrow the cats.
Reba started pushing a crochet hook with her ball underneath the dresser for when the day came and we would need to fight those nasty fur balls off!
Thump! Reba was running into stuff while she was in her ball. It always scares me when she does that. Emily will laugh but what she doesn't know is that Reba does that kind of stuff to scare me. She thinks it's funny.
"Reba!" I called from my perch, "Did you find anything that might help?"
"Well, I noticed that they left crochet hooks on the floor but I can't think of how this is gonna help." she replied from below on the far side of the room. It's not that we hate our moms, it's just that we are terrified of those wretched cats! Not so much Slinky who always hid under a bed. They act so cute in front of the family and get loved on but what the family doesn't know is that they've been sneaking out of the house through Emily's sister's window and getting together with all those nasty neighbor cats. I overheard Pushy and Slinky talking about taking over this part of the neighborhood, but they had to get all the cats in the other parts of town to help. Me and Reba weren't about to let that happen. Every time we got taken out of our cozy tank I would distract Emily, who was usually the one playing with us, and Reba would go searching for stuff to help us overthrow the cats.
Reba started pushing a crochet hook with her ball underneath the dresser for when the day came and we would need to fight those nasty fur balls off!
Monday, February 22, 2010
A Rat Story
It was early in the morning when I awoke from a terrible dream of Pushy, my owners house cat. Emily is my mom and I always hear her calling the one we call Pushy something weird.... In my dream Pushy had been chasing me through the house with his claws unsheathed, his large teeth glimmered in the low light. I was cornered and he was about to spring. The reason I woke so suddenly from the night mare was caused by Reba, she was pushing the glass food bowl up against the side of our tank.
"What are you doing?"I asked sleepily.
"Trying to wake Hannah up so she can feed me!" Reba replied in frustration. She continued the annoying slamming of glass upon glass until Hannah walked over and rubbed her finger nail across the wire cage top. It startled me and I was wide awake in no time (thanks alot Hannah). Then she noticed the bowl and took it from the cage with much noise, waking up Emily. The food was same as always and still tasted like dirt. I walked over to rub Reba's thinning hair with the tip of my nose.
"That stupid Pushy was staring at our cage all night being creepy and what not," Reba said through a mouth full of sun flower seed " if I ever get out of here I'm going straight for that weird little cat!" she squeaked angrily. Reba had been acting really irritable lately and the hair on her back had started falling out. It's probably the cats scaring her like they scare me, I had reassured myself night after night.
"What are you doing?"I asked sleepily.
"Trying to wake Hannah up so she can feed me!" Reba replied in frustration. She continued the annoying slamming of glass upon glass until Hannah walked over and rubbed her finger nail across the wire cage top. It startled me and I was wide awake in no time (thanks alot Hannah). Then she noticed the bowl and took it from the cage with much noise, waking up Emily. The food was same as always and still tasted like dirt. I walked over to rub Reba's thinning hair with the tip of my nose.
"That stupid Pushy was staring at our cage all night being creepy and what not," Reba said through a mouth full of sun flower seed " if I ever get out of here I'm going straight for that weird little cat!" she squeaked angrily. Reba had been acting really irritable lately and the hair on her back had started falling out. It's probably the cats scaring her like they scare me, I had reassured myself night after night.
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Some people think that Naruto fans are nerdy, I used to think so to! But once I started reading them I couldn't stop! If you think it's dumb that I know every bodies name in this manga and their abilities, than you try to read them, see if you don't get attached to them and learn every bodies names! (Sorry dad that I thought it was nerdy of you before I got into them!)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I to all the people who own hamsters out there and actually like them, I'm sorry but I've owned two and I did NOT like them! They bit me all the time and every waking moment were trying to get out of their cages! I've owned six rats but it turned out to be to expensive so we kept two. My sister has a rat named Reba and she was awesome from the start! I had one not to long ago, her name was Pip and she was a dumbo rat (so cute!). I loved her so much but it turned out a customer at the pet store might have dropped her or she was just a runt so she was very timid. A timid rat isn't a good thing because they like to bite when there scared........... We returned Pippay Naomi Leon two days after we got her (she preferred my fingers over rat food). I was very sad that I couldn't have a rat........ we were about to get rid of Hannah's rat when my dad changed his mind (thank you daddy!). But since it was my idea in the first place my mom said to pray and hopefully God would bless me with a rat... I prayed every night and reminded my mom (maybe a little to much) about asking my dad for a rat. One day while we were out having girl time, (everybody else was at a sleepover) my mom surprised me with the news we were getting a rat! I prayed that God would let me see the perfect rat and that she would be good. Once we got to the pet store I walked to the small animals part of the store and was all excited, but when I looked in (it had been three weeks since we returned Pip) I saw my previous rat all by her lonesome. I was disappointed but chuckled because the little monkey was still in there. We got in the car and my mom said we would check the pet store near our house. When we got there I went straight for the rats (again). And was happy to find two cages with five and three rats in them! I saw a small brown and white one that reminded me of Pip and instantly thought that I shouldn't get that one. The one cage with five rats in it were all black and white, but I really wanted a brown and white one. I stuck my hand in the cage with brown and white ones. An average sized brown one with red eyes went straight to my hands. I was secretly hoping the large brown and white one in the corner was the one that would all of a sudden stand out (it wasn't). I picked the brown one up and she made herself comfortable on my shoulder. Usually when you pick up a new rat it will pee on you but this little one was just happy to have a little attention. I held her for a while hoping that the large one I had seen would show some small sign of awesomeness (that didn't happen). But after I had held the brown one for a while she had me glued to her! I had planned on calling my next rat Twinkies but decided then that I wanted to call her Pudding! Now we're best buds and we love on each other. Sadly Reba became more jumpy after we got Pudding but they're still good room mates!
I started a book recently, but I need an opinion on my characters names........ If anyone out there has a good name for my two characters ( a boy and a girl) please give me your suggestions.
Female: brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin with freckles.
Male: silver/white hair, lavender eyes, pale skin.
Female: brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin with freckles.
Male: silver/white hair, lavender eyes, pale skin.
I have always loved drawing. My dad is really awesome so I guess I get it from him. I'm into drawing anime people and animals (mostly rats) and I like to teach my friends to! But there's one girl I taught that's like very good now! Shes like 4 years younger than me! I hope you'll like some of the pictures I post!
Friday, February 19, 2010
I used to think it would be weird to own a rodent.... But now I have one and she's awesome! I don't like to think of her as a rodent because it sounds mean. I think of her like a friend, like one would think of their dog as a friend! Rats are actually the animal that is closest to humans! They can dream and you can teach them stuff! Did you know they use rat brains to power certain robots!?! (weird) To all those kids who want a rat but can't persuade their parents, you should Google "great things about rats"! Of course i can tell you some now!
1. Your mom or dad might think that a rat is a dirty, smelly animal but really rats are very clean and hate to have a messy cage. My rat is nothing like our hamsters! Pudding just has this faint smell.... Hmmm..... I cant think of anything it would smell like.
2. They LOVE attention and will get attached to you pretty quick (and you to them). I've only had Pudding for a week or two but I've taught her how to stand on command!
3. What i love so much about Pudding is that when shes scared or a noise is to loud, she will run back to me, climb to perch on my shoulder and i can give her kisses and she to me.
1. Your mom or dad might think that a rat is a dirty, smelly animal but really rats are very clean and hate to have a messy cage. My rat is nothing like our hamsters! Pudding just has this faint smell.... Hmmm..... I cant think of anything it would smell like.
2. They LOVE attention and will get attached to you pretty quick (and you to them). I've only had Pudding for a week or two but I've taught her how to stand on command!
3. What i love so much about Pudding is that when shes scared or a noise is to loud, she will run back to me, climb to perch on my shoulder and i can give her kisses and she to me.
First Post
This is my first blog....... So far its been a challenge setting things up....... Anyway! Me and my rat Pudding are like best buddies..... People usually think that rats are disease ridden rodents! An outrage i say! :) Actually rats are very clean and make great pets.
My interests are: drawing, writing, ballet, playing with Pudding and color guard.
My interests are: drawing, writing, ballet, playing with Pudding and color guard.
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